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Best मेहँदी डिज़ाइन For 2021

Best मेहँदी डिज़ाइन 2021 For Wedding Girls, Kids & Baby Shower !

Latest मेहंदी डिजाइन सिंपल

Want to know about Best मेहँदी डिज़ाइन For 2021 for wedding function, Kids & baby shower ceremony? If you want to make a traditional mehandi then the best way is to use Arabic mehandi designs. This type of henna is used by many girls to get the beauty and charm of the wedding on their hands. Arabic mehandi designs are available online as well.

Arabic mehandi designs by some of the best mehndi artists are also available in online website. You can have a look at the various styles and patterns of Arabic mehandi. Arabic mehandi designs can also be made using some beautiful materials like beads, sequins, enameled glass beads, silver & gold thread, resins, pearls, crystals and gemstones.

Best मेहँदी डिज़ाइन For 2021
Best मेहँदी डिज़ाइन For 2021

To make this type of henna art work you must begin with a piece of white cloth. Gather all required materials and tools. Combine dry fruits like strawberries, berries, almonds and grapes and mix water. Prepare the bowl, ladle or bottle filled with boiled water and pour honey as a thick paste into it. Add one tablespoon of yoghurt in it. Add few drops of essential oil or perfume into it and stir.

अरबी मेहँदी डिज़ाइन

यदि आप कुछ बहुत ही जटिल डिजाइन बनाना चाहते हैं तो आप डिजाइन करते समय अपनी कल्पना और रचनात्मकता का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। कुछ सबसे प्रसिद्ध अरबी मेहँदी डिज़ाइन विभिन्न आकृतियों, फूलों और रंगों के संयोजन हैं। कुछ सबसे सरल मेहंदी डिज़ाइनों में सरल पैटर्न शामिल होते हैं जो एक साधारण सर्कल बनाते हैं। ऐसे कई तरीके हैं जिनसे आप इन डिज़ाइनों को बना सकते हैं। अरबी अक्षरों के साथ अरबी मेहंदी डिजाइन सबसे अच्छे मेहंदी डिजाइनों में से एक माना जाता है।

About Arabic Mehndi

A big percentage of Arabic mehndi designs are inspired by beautiful occasions like wedding ceremonies, birthdays, mother’s day and weddings. The most popular designs are floral designs in shades of pink, red and blue. These special occasions provide the perfect opportunity for any person to express their creativity and imaginations through these amazing designs. You can take the help of special occasions to find out suitable designs to draw mehandi patterns for these special occasions.

In addition to all this, there are many more things that should be kept in mind while applying mehdani on the back of the hand. It is important to know the purpose of the design on the back of the hand before starting to apply it. If you are thinking of using it for day to day activities then it is important that you should know the purpose of wearing mehdani.

It is considered auspicious to wear mehdani on the auspicious occasion of Eid. It is believed that during this festival Muslim women wear mehdis made up of silks as a protection against the harshness of the weather. Hence you should select suitable media for this auspicious occasion.

Mehndi Patterns or Designs

Another thing that needs to be kept in mind is about the designs or patterns. As we know that there are numerous Arabic henna designs available on the internet, it is important that you should select the right one to suit your personality. These designs are available for free on the internet. You can browse different websites and get a lot of ideas which will be extremely attractive. The best part of it is that these ideas can be used to decorate yourself as well as clothes of your children and spouse.

The Arabic mehndi designs are generally created using a cotton mesh screen. The Arabic word “al-ka” means “poured or spun out” and “ka” stands for “thong” which is the name of the thread used to weave the fabric. The media is usually put on the left forearm or the little finger of the left hand to show the beauty of the wrist. So, if you want to wear a beautiful medium then you should choose one that looks good on you.

Last Words

There are different types of media like the Arabic mehndi, traditional media and modern Arabic mehndi. You can choose the one that fits into your budget and wears easily. Some people also opt for earrings or bracelets instead of media when they want to wear a flower media on the auspicious occasion of Eid. Earrings in combination with the media can make you look extremely beautiful.

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